Restore veeam backup
Restore veeam backup

Taken directly from the Veeam Help Center Extract page: “Veeam Backup & Replication comes with an extract utility that can be used to recover machines from backup files.

restore veeam backup

I think what keeps me from feeling total shame is that the support engineer didn’t use or mention it either so maybe Extract’s existence is a secret to many… Maybe I should be embarrassed to admit this seeing I’ve become Veeam Vanguard, but I didn’t know that the tool I was looking for, Veeam Extract, was “hidden” in the %PROGRAMFILES%\Veeam\Backup and Replication\Backup directory. But I kept digging thinking that maybe, just maybe, there was a third party tool that could read from the backup files…kinda like a Veeam version of ExMerge that could read at least some portion of the backup file and let me restore something if not everything. Though hope for restores was seemingly dead, I didn’t throw my hands up and quit. The call ended shortly thereafter and the explanation I received was something to the effect of “ if backup files are encrypted with ransomware, we can’t ensure their integrity even if a decrypt tool is executed and appears to work….basically, you’re hosed.” Honestly, this was the answer I was expecting but was hoping beyond hope perhaps that a solution could be found and data restored. To make a long story short, support asked pretty quickly, “ What happened to these files?”…my reply…”cough-ransomware-cough”. Nonetheless, I have an error and need to do something about it so in an attempt to keep my workload manageable, I decided to open a case with Veeam support. It was a mistake, I should not have done it as I believe its a good practice for a consultant to maintain calm in the midst of chaos…I should have gone outside and thrown a rock or something. Thus, this error didn’t bother me at all, in fact, I embraced yet another challenge being thrown my way while simultaneously dealing with a dozen others! Of course, I’m joking a little in that I didn’t joyfully embrace this issue and if memory serves, I slammed my mouse on the desk. Spock (maybe Joe Montana), always keeping my emotions under control and maintaining calm so as to exude professionalism.

restore veeam backup

Now, me personally, I’m an experienced consultant…like an IT Mr. If you find yourself fighting to restore business operations after a ransomware attack, you may get discouraged and begin to wonder if anything will go your way if you try to restore from backups and see a “ Storage version is not supported for read-only access” error.

Restore veeam backup