Jimmy outright says he doesn't like kids, and Veronica calls them "little snots." Raphael Erko also doesn't want stuff for kids, though in his case it's because they "offend the honor of his masculinity" rather than because he hates kids.

Child Hater: Jimmy Traitor and Veronica Liptson both dislike kids and won't want to buy a house if there are kids' objects or toys.Jimmy also mentions wanting a sauna in his house so he has an excuse to ask his female friends to walk around in a towel. Jimmy's bio lists his likes as "parties, alcohol, girls" and both of them want a double bed so they can share it with a female companion. The Casanova: Jimmy Traitor and Raphael Erko.You can buy IKEA-style furniture with names such as "Mal" (Malm) and "Hermes" (Hemmes).All of the buyers use email addresses from "Gmai" instead of "Gmail".There is no need for airlocks or spacesuits, though, as it is mechanically the same as any other house in the game. Batman Can Breathe in Space: The House on the Moon is literally on the moon, and is seemingly unprotected from the vacuum of space.It doesn't mention that she actually changed her mind because the house is absolutely infested with cockroaches, with multiple nests in every single room. Variable Woman's House, which makes a big deal out of how fickle the previous owner was, to buy a house and then immediately change her mind and resell it.

Awesome, but Impractical: The House on the Moon was built by a millionaire but he never moved in because commuting anywhere would literally have been impossible!.Truth in Television because green is a color that's commonly associated with concentration in color psychology. He prefers having a desk near his bed, having many shelves for his books, and the color green because it helps him study. He's a college student who only thinks about his studies. For bonus points, there's also a placeable hunting knife, which doesn't come with a sheathe. The model shows them as being stored with a magazine in the well, and there are no lockboxes, cases, or gun safes either.